With new technology that has never been available before, Imagio® provides substantially improved confidence in breast cancer diagnostics using a non-invasive, real-time OA/US scan, supported by our proprietary AI-driven SenoGram® decision support. The simplified and streamlined care pathway offers the first FDA-approved device to effectively reduce the delays, discomfort, and costs of diagnosing breast cancer.
Radiologists Patient Experience Practice Efficiency Read our eBookBy transmitting laser light through suspicious breast tissue, Imagio® returns ultrasound signals that can display both functional and anatomical information about the relative blood and oxygen concentration. This enables clinicians to differentiate malignant and benign tissue: in a full-color display.
Proven to make clinicians more accurate, our proprietary SenoGram® provides AI-driven decision support in assessing likelihood of malignancy (LOM) using 15 different features, integrating clinical, OA/US, mammographic, and sonographic data.2
View SenoGram® brochure Interact with SenoGram®Imagio® integrates into your existing diagnostic workflow over time, similar to how tomosynthesis was introduced. The technology can be easily adopted with the support of SenoGram® and training from a leading Breast Ultrasound expert, Dr. Tom Stavros through Seno University.
Request demo See ROI exampleOur nationwide roadshow can bring Imagio® to your facility or you can start the conversation with a Seno rep today to get more details.